In Johnston, I got to create my own major by taking a bunch of classes such as improv and business speech as a way to combine all of my interests.
The Johnston educational experiment started as a college in 1969 and is based in the notion that students should have ownership of their education. At the Johnston Center, we honor the individual path and the collective process. That means students, faculty, and staff learn from each other, and we learn best when we learn together.
The degree from the Johnston Center is a degree from the University of Redlands. When the student writes their Sophomore Graduation Contract during the beginning of their second year, the student and their academic advisor will determine if the degree will be a Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science. This document, the Sophomore Graduation Contract, is essentially a map or a plan that brings together classes from multiple departments, experiential learning, and cross-cultural experiences to fulfill an educational vision.
Experience academic freedom along with responsibility: create your course of study and shape the way you work, what you learn, and the feedback you receive from faculty through contracting
Gain important soft skills: in the shifting landscape of the job market, a Johnston education will allow you to graduate with the skills you need to succeed no matter what you study: communication, collaboration, problem-solving, critical thinking, negotiation
Practice self-governance with intention: Johnston is a consensus-based, intentional community where students work together to spend our community budget on speakers, live music events, programming, community and academic projects. We also use a consensus-based restorative justice model to deal with conduct issues and other things that cause harm to the community.
For questions about setting up a visit or learning more about the program, contact Tim Seiber, current Director of the Johnston Center for Integrative Studies, at tim_seiber@jyycl.com.
Faculty in Johnston and from across the ColIege of Arts and Sciences create new Johnston courses every semester. Experience interdisciplinary learning and the course contracting system for your self in a Johnston seminar. All College of Arts and Sciences students are welcome to enroll in Johnston seminars. Browse through the current catalog and find current forms through the buttons below.
In Johnston, I got to create my own major by taking a bunch of classes such as improv and business speech as a way to combine all of my interests.
Johnston keeps in touch with our alumni, and we frequently invite them to visit and tell us how their Johnston education has impacted their approach to work, community, scholarship, activism, art and music. To inquire about visiting Johnston, contact our director. Every five years, Johnston hosts a reunion called "Renewal" for Johnston College/Center graduates, faculty, and staff from ALL years.
Seize the endless opportunities and pursue your future at University of Redlands.
For more information, please contact the Johnston Center for Integrative Studies.